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Virtual Keyboard not showing - Spell check doesn`t work

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    Virtual Keyboard not showing - Spell check doesn`t work

    Hi ,

    I work in low light settings so a virtual keyboard is essential.

    I installed kvkbd , it is on the task bar but on clicking does not show ?

    Installed `onboard`, again , does not show on the desktop.

    On a side note , why doesn`t auto spell checker work any more ? This is very important to me as my spelling has gotten terrible over the years.

    Thanks guys.

    Hi guys, still kvkbd refuses to show even a whisp of life.

    Help please i`m in the dark here - literally !!


      What version of Kubuntu? What version of KDE?
      Windows no longer obstructs my view.
      Using Kubuntu Linux since March 23, 2007.
      "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data." - Sherlock Holmes


        Hi Snowhog, i`m running Precise 12.04.5 version 4.8.5.


          i have the same Kubuntu version, and kvkbd is installed ... and im using it now... quite fiddly!
          OK enough of that. What version do you have? Mine is 1:0.6-3
          Do you get the right-click menu from the tray icon?
          I'd rather be locked out than locked in.


            Hi SecretCode, yes, have the same version of kvkbd as you and get the exact right-click menu.


              Does the second-last entry say minimize or restore? Is it possible it's restoring to a very small window somewhere (it's resizable)? Or even off-screen?
              I'd rather be locked out than locked in.


                The second to last entry is saying minimize , exactly as your screen print.

                I checked the `dock keyboard` and sure enough kvkbd shows , but it`s so small. On clicking it , it does nothing .

                Have also looked by the screen edges to see if kvkbd has been minimized - nothing there.

                Leaves me no where again.


                  You could try deleting ~/.kde/share/config/kvkbdrc to return it to default configuration
                  I'd rather be locked out than locked in.


                    Brilliant, thanks SecretCode, that worked.

                    Thanks again for your time. Just need spell checker to work now.


                      Spell checker in which app(s)?
                      I'd rather be locked out than locked in.


                        In any apps really, just need some sort of checker in every day situations.

                        An example would be writing this reply and red lining a mistake and presenting you with options.

                        I am sure this was automatic in Lucid 10.04 , and i am beginning to miss it.


                          it the text box ,,,wile replying to this thread ,,,,,right click and see if spell checking is selected and what languages

                          i7 4core HT 8MB L3 2.9GHz
                          16GB RAM
                          Nvidia GTX 860M 4GB RAM 1152 cuda cores


                            Ok, i right-clicked here - spell check is checked and i must have missed `languages` - selected English USA and problem solved.

                            Excellent , thank you so much VINNY for your help and also to SecretCode.


                              Yes, each app tends to have its own settings and its own dictionaries.
                              I'd rather be locked out than locked in.

